The Continental From the World of John Wick (Non Spoiler Review)

Like prequel-based series? Well that often depends on the premise and execution, while Gotham explored the Batman mythos, going through four seasons before Bruce became Bats was a bit of a slog.
The Continental From the World of John Wick, serves as a 3 part limited series dating back to the Seventies long before our major protagonist Winston Scott ran the position as proprietor of the New York branch of "The Continental" chain of hotels, which are safe havens for legal assassins on the grounds of which no business may ever take place. 
The plot is straightforward with Winston assembling a crew of specialized Assassins to unseat the ruthless Continental's manager, Cormac O'Connor, and that's where the fun begins to which all hell breaks loose!

I admire the 70's period with of course, sporadic classic Rock and Soul needledrops which serves as a companion piece for that era. In some ways this series reminds me of the 2011 videogame, WET courtesy of its gritty 70s aesthetics, the assassin mantra, unique villains and especially the Grindhouse inspired intro. What’s interesting is that one of the supporting characters bears a resemblance to Rubi Malone.

Aside from Winston each major supporting character has specific backstories defining their motivations along with insight and that may also count as a minor flaw when introducing too many characters within the first two episodes affecting the shows' pacing if not diminishing actions scenes from a series based on John Wick, however, there are a few standout moments of dialog addressing socio-political issues from the Vietnam War to racial tension. 
The set pieces and local further complement the 70's aesthetics along with a blue tinted retro filter. It's almost like being absorbed in the decade while the narrative and action sequences has that graphic novel come to life vibe.

While Colin Woodel, Ayomide Adegun,Jessica Allain, Nhung Kate, and Ray McKinnon have their moments of shine, it's the infamous Mel Gibson who brings it as the  menacing Connor o' Cormac. I was a fan of Mad Mel until he totally lost his shit, but I digress. With one more episode to go, Each episode runs around the 90 minute mark where the best is saved for last, as in the finale that literally goes all out with a "bang." Yes, that was an intended pun.
Overall, if you're a fan of the Wick films or enjoy period piece action, you'll find plenty of vacancies at the Continental.