Well, this is interesting news. In a recent interview with Telegraph UK, controversial Author Alan Moore of iconic graphic novels such as Watchmen, Batman: The Killing Joke, V for Vendetta and comic stints for Swamp Thing all from DC Comics, mentioned that all future royalties from live action adaptations based on his compelling work, will be given to Black Lives Matter!
While it's of no surprise how the legendary comics scribe has often shared disdain for film adaptations of his work, it seems that Moore has doubled down not only by stating that he will no longer share royalties from the film adaptations with screen writers but instead, will donate future residuals from both tv shows and film toward the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation.
But wait! He's not done yet. During the same interview, Moore mentioned his dissatisfaction with the state of Comics.
Moore, who took a permanent sabbatical from writing Comics, many years ago is content with avoiding public appearances as in showing up at comic cons or some other symposium in exchange for a quieter writer's life due to the negative impact of his celebrity. As he stated, about the conventions he would talk to people, while they would stare at him as if having a religious experience as opposed to having an ordinary conversation.
Moore spared no expense when calling out The Dark Knight, written by another iconic scribe Frank Miller as a "pretty Sub fascist vision." "The idea of one man, perhaps on horseback, who can sort out this mess-that’s a bit too Birth of a Nation which was the first blockbuster film directed by DW Griffith that not only inspired White Supremacist terrorists such as the Klu Klux Klan, but also influenced the Nazi propaganda film, Triumph of the Will.
That's a damning sentiment. While Miller's iconic Graphic novel series is somewhat looked upon as an ultra-right-wing fantasy, comparing it to Birth of a Nation is a bit reaching in my opinion.
While reflecting on his contributions to the comics industry, Moore stated that quote " I didn't mean my experiments with comics to be immediately taken as something the whole industry should do."
Moore is referring how his dark edgier sociopathic characters from the Watchmen and V for Vendetta have started a trend, that the industry immediately gravitated to. i.e The Boys.
While donating to BLM is a noble effort from the always progressive author, there must be accountability and oversight as the Executive of the grassroots organization had misappropriated funds as a means of monetary gain. While the BLM organization is no doubt a worthy cause, as with many causes who depend on fundraising efforts, there are always a few bad apples. As far as I know, the only project that has Mr. Moore's creative input is the proposed Swamp Thing remake, so we'll see what develops, or not.