It's been 10 years already??
Everybody got something to say "talkbacker" well, I had plenty to say about my first published article 10 years ago in early September 24, 2013.
Y'see, I was your average commentator at the Aint it Cool News forums, who would shitpost during downtime at work like everyone else and for the most part, those were interesting times going at it with a few trolls, incels, racists, etc. But for the most part, we drop comments about the reviews and articles published by Harry Knowles and Co.

Then after one too many incidents happening i.e., Harry’s firing of "Billy the Kid" or "Herc constantly banning commenters" and then there was this proposed TV show that was crowdfunded but at the time did not come to fruition. Those who donated were pissed and out of disappointment and disdain, thus began .
Now I forgot where and when I first heard about Talkbacker but when I found out that there was an open publisher program, I immediately jumped at the opportunity to submit a little something!
There was the AICN Talkbacker alumni who immediately jumped ship and swam toward a joint op between Scott Madej aka Finn and some guy who calls himself "Mr. X" now the latter I remember critiquing my writing style but maybe he was right since I was just starting out . But thanks to editors like Tikkanen and Scott Colbert who was a good sport for putting up with any grammatical errors.
Aside of myself, a who's who of Talkbackers immediately migrated from AICN like Creepythinman, Bop n Rumble, Iam Better, Asimovlives, Rare English Rose, Dio, Col.Tigh Fighter, Tikkanen, Indiana Peach,Puck Propaganda and so many others who migrated from Aint it Cool and even contributed to this new site. I don’t remember seeing Dee, Demagog Dog or Cane the Sutter from AICN, however they were also major contributors to the site.
I utilized what creativity and artistic talents I must post something that meant alot to me from Comics, Television series, Gaming, Anime, Martial Arts, Horror, Sci-Fi and Cult Films, within the confines of my perspective, where the articles mostly consisted of film reviews, top ten lists, and even satire thanks to two lovable obnoxious Russian Blue cats that are still with us, driving me insane! 😹 To stand out among the others, I was one of the very first contributors to dabble in Photoshop.
In hindsight for better or for worse, I'm extremely proud of my contributions and collaborations with the TB guys and Gal. We were rock stars for a moment and like rock bands, there were a few moments of infighting caused by inflated egos, creative differences, jealousy, and other bs but for the most part, TB was a great experience. As always, I'm eternally grateful to Talkbacker for giving us a voice to write from our passions of film, television and Pop culture itself.
Eventually from out of the ashes of Talkbacker, Pulp Epic and yes, The Supernaughts, came Poptic Nerve my unabashed pop culture site that serves as a hub for podcasts, commentary videos, and much more.
While This is Infamous, Film Goblin, and The Man who Saved Movies have come and gone, the “Nerve” still exists regardless of subscribers or dedicated followers. It’s an independent voice without restrictions or too many regulations. I dont have big dreams nor delusions of major success and monetary gain since I already make an honest living with decent wages, but I love putting my thoughts and of course opinions out there, even if it may ruffle a few feathers.
As David Weiner once told me, "do what you love doing." And that I do!