ABC 7’s Ken Rosato gets fired after calling his Co-anchor the "C-word!"

Okay, this isn't some gossip column, but it sure as shit, both newsworthy and noteworthy!

Anchor Ken Rosado from ABC's New York affiliate was caught on "hot mic" calling Eyewitness News anchor Shirleen Allicot the infamous C-word as in cunt that most people especially women, deem highly offensive. 
Rosato was immediately terminated followed by an email that was also sent out to the staff implying that he was 'no longer with WABC. We thank him for his years of service.' 
Rosato joined ABC New York in 2003 as a freelance reporter for the network's signature brand Eyewitness News. In 2007, Rosato was assigned to the anchor desk hosting This Morning alongside Shirleen Allicot, Heather O'Rourke and Sam Champion. Following his abrupt firing, Rosato's presence has been scrubbed from ABC New York's website and social media. Although his comment has not been made public, Rosato's representative vehemently denied the possibility of it being a racial slur. No, but equally offensive and the idiot should have known better. Personally, I think Allicot can be annoying at times when adding in her "hmmph" comments after reporting a news segment, but that doesn't justify Ken Rosato calling her a cunt especially within a workplace. No, that esteemed honor should be reserved for that “Karen” who falsely accused some black guy of stealing her citibike, when in fact, it was his bike! 

Rosato's last tweet was on May 2nd and by the way, Eyewitness News is owned by the parent company, Disney!