If there is a guy in Hollywood who really deserves our support it is Scott Adkins. For years Scott Adkins has been carrying the english spoken action genre on his shoulders. He loves making action movies and it shows. You can see and feel the passion he has for them and you know he puts in the effort. Not all his movies are great but for the past few years Scott has grown so much as an action man and as an actor. It started with Boyka Undisputed and continued with Accident Man, The Debt Collector, Triple Threat and Avengement. And now Accident Man 2 Hitman’s Holiday has arrived.
Accident Man is Scott Adkins’ passion project. He got introduced to the Accident Man comic when he was a kid and a few years ago he got the chance to make the first Accident Man movie and it was a blast. I couldn’t get enough of that movie and have rewatched it many times since. Mike Fallon was such an awesome character. When I heard there would be an Accident Man 2 I got very hyped up. This was my most anticipated movie of 2022 and my expectations were high. Then I saw Jesse V. Johnson was not the director and I got this feeling that the movie would not match up to the first Accident Man. I never heard of the Kirby brothers before, who were gonna direct this. I got serious doubts.
So was the sequel any good? The answer is :
The Malta scenery was fantastic and gave his movie a summer holiday vibe. I loved the Pink Panther movies references in which Scott Adkins was Inspector Clouseau and Sarah Chang was Cato. The movie started a bit slow but when shit hit the fan the movie was a rollercoaster ride and gave me a Midnight Run feeling comedy-wise. I could hardly breathe from all the laughing I did with a few very funny scenes in the movie. The last time I saw a actual funny movie was the first Accident Man, but in part 2 the fun got amped up.
If you don’t find this scene funny fuck off and never watch a movie again
The bad guys were fantastic, which Poco The Clown (Beau Fowler) being the break-out star. I got Final Fight (the video game) vibes from all the bad guys. They all delivered in the action scenes. And the action scenes? Man, Scott leveled up with this movie. Scott and the crew really delivered with this. When the action started it was one big roller coast ride. This movie had it all and I was so happy that Scott Adkins got this result.
Poco is a bit loco
My only gripe was :
I would have gone to the cinema again, which I stopped doing because of all the abysmal movies that played there for the past 10 years. This was a movie that deserves to be seen in a cinema. This was a movie that needed to re-show us why we fell in love with action movies in the first place. A movie that reminded us of how we went to the video rental stores to rent the newest Chan, Van Damme or Seagal movie.
Scott Adkins deserved better. He is keeping the action genre alive in the western world. And don’t get me started on the John Wick movies. They are good but they are not Scott Adkins levels of good.
I hope the Accident Man series will get more sequels. And while we are at it I hope there will be an Avengement sequel, because Cain Burgess is a badass.
And did you notice Scott Adkins has 3 iconic roles? He has Boyka, he has Cain Burgess and he has Mike Fallon. Not many actors can say that. I hope Scott Adkins continues to do what he loves and brings us more iconic roles. Iconic role number 4 will probably his role in John Wick 4. Can’t wait to see that too.
Russian bad boy. Not Ukrainian.
Super badass Cain Burgess
Bless you, Scott Adkins. I hope you make a lot more movies to come!