Nintendo has Flipped the Switch! Is Switch Lite, alright?

So, after many weeks of speculation, it seems that the big announcement from Game publisher, Nintendo is that a new model of their immensely  popular Switch will arrive in stores, very soon.

What makes this new iteration called "Switch Lite" interesting if not polarizing, is that you can only play games in handheld mode, meaning no TV Dock component! Just the device itself. So in other words, its an updated 2Ds primarily dedicated to mobile gaming. It seems like a feasible  marketing strategy as many gamers especially the casual ones,  prefer to play on the go. As opposed to hooking it up to a huge screen Television. 

However, without it's versatility, how can it be called a "Switch"? Just label it as "Gameboy X" or something.I'm sure this will alienate plenty of gamers which  isn't the first time for Nintendo.

What's also disappointing,  is that this console, lacks a kickstand that would have been beneficial for 2 on 2 gamers when syncing an additional controller. 
For the msrp of $200, I would rather wait for a price drop which will happen eventually. For those who have disposable income or love to travel, feel free to take the plunge.